Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Gingerbread Men

Mitchell decorating his man

Connor decorating his man!

Mitchell's gingerbread man!

Connor's Gingerbread man!

Mitchell's finished Gingerbread Man!

Connor's finished Gingerbread man!

I was looking in the closet this morning and found some gingerbread men that I bought on sale last year after Christmas for the kids. They had fun decorating them with frosting and candy! Here are some pictures of our morning project! What a great thing to work on right before Christmas on a rainy day!

What I want for Christmas!

I had Connor and Mitchell tell me what they wanted for Christmas this year. Here is their list of things that they wanted! I doubt they will be getting all they wanted, but they will be happy with what they get!

Christmas Trains!

The past few days we stayed at home due to the yucky weather outside! Because we had some time at home, I decided to let the kids open one present so they could play with it in the upcoming days. Grandma De Vries always gives money to the kids for Christmas and this year I decided to get them each a Christmas train that they have been wanting for the past year at Walgreens. So yesterday morning they opened up their trains and have been playing with them since! They have loved to see them go around and around the track. It doesn't take much to entertaing them some times! Here are a few pictures of them playing with their new trains! Thanks Grandpa and Grandma De Vries!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sledding Fun!

We had a great day outside in the snow. Mitchell had been wanting to ride on his sled that he got from Papa Olson for a while now and today was the perfect day. Elden and Mitchell had a blast riding in the snow together! Even though Mitchell wiped out a few times, he was always giggling about it! It was fun capturing this on video and pictures!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Carols with the cousins!

Mitchell had a busy week singing Christmas Carols! He had his Share Preschool Preschool program on last Thursday! He did a great job! Some songs that he sung were "Shake a Friends Hand, We wish you a Merry Christmas, and It was a Mighty Day". Daddy, Mommy, Connor, Nana Olson, Grandma De Vries and Nana and Papa VZ all came to watch him sing his songs! We were so proud of our Mitchell!

On Friday we went to Nana and Papa Olsons for the day! We made Christmas crafts, mommy got her hair done by our cousin Dawn, and we sang some Christmas Carols! Here is a video of Mitchell singing "Away in a Manger".

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Gingerbread Boys

The finished project

Mitchell and Connor with their Gingerbread men!

We have been stranded in our home for the past two days, and the kids and I are definetly ready to get out of this home. To help pass our time we have been busy making Gingerbread boys, playing in the snow both inside and out, making Christmas ornaments and building train tracks! Even though we have been keeping busy, the kids are getting alittle bored at times. Mitchell told me that he was ready for the real Christmas and was tired of doing doing all the Christmas Eve things. I got a good laugh out of that. We tried to build a snowman on Tuesday morning, but before we got to far, the dog stepped on it. Mitchell has quite an imagination. When we were outside Mitchell wanted to "Combine" (imagine that) the snow. He did this by shuffeling his feet to make the rows and went back and forth like a combine. He even put his hands pointed out so that was the combine head. Looks like we don't need to by him any snow toys or sleds b/c he is pretty content playing combine!

I took some pictures of the kids of the kids making Gingerbread boys and eating them! They turned out Ok, now I have to frost them yet. Enjoy your day snuggling indoors!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Connor!

Last night we got to celebrate Connor's 3rd Birthday! I asked Connor what he wanted on his cake and he said, "Lellow Yar" which translated to yellow car. So I got a car cake pan and decorated it with one of his favorite colors! It turned out pretty good, and didn't take too long to make! The kids were so excited to have their cousins come and play with them! Connor got a lot of new "Cars" toys and dinosaurs and even a cars sleeping bag! So he did very well, his King car hasn't left his hand since he got it out of the package. I took a few pictures of Connor celebrating his special day! Thanks for all the gifts everyone and for helping us celebrate our special little boy!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Decorating our Christmas Tree!

The kids and I had a blast decorating our Christmas tree! Mitchell had been begging ever since we got the Christmas tree up on Sunday to put lights on and decorate it! They both did a awesome job helping me put ornaments on! I just gave them the hooks and they put the balls on. Towards the end they started getting alittle goofy as you can see in one of the pictures! Great memories I will always remember as a mommy!