Sunday, November 30, 2008

Elden's New Job!

As many of you have heard, Elden's Field work stopped abruptly when the Anhydrous bar that he was on had a hose that blew and sprayed anhydrous on his leg and face. He had third and second degree burns on his leg and first degree on his face. After spending three days in the Iowa City hospital, we finally got out. The medicine that he was on, hasn't agreed with him very much this week, so he has finally reduced it and he is feeling much better finally today. Elden said that his new job is being a full time daddy and that Mitchell was going to take over doing Anhydrous for him. Although with the snow I think that everyone is done with that job. We are thankful that he is alive and we know that things could have been much worse. We are going to go to a follow up appt. on Dec 10 to decide if he has to do skin grafting. Please pray that we don't have to do that. So far his wound looks like it is healing so we are thankful for that. Thanks to everyone who has prayed for us so far. Please also pray for patience for Elden and I as he starts to feel better that he may not go stir crazy.. and for me to encourage him to stay inside. Elden is looking for anyone who has a nintendo to play with to help him pass time. So if anyone has one, let us know! Thanks again for your prayers!