Saturday, July 11, 2009

Ozarks Vacation

This past week we had a great time spending it in the Ozarks! As many of you know, we spend a week on vacation with Elden's side of the family every year in the Ozarks. I think this has been my 11th year in going with them. We always have a good time together spending time together! This year's weather was great, it was mid 90's every day and no rain except on the last day! We kept busy taking boat rides and looking at all the big houses and just relaxing in the water. Mitchell loved jumping in the lake and even went on the tube this year by himself after daddy "accidently" fell off the back! Connor was much more comfotable in the swimming pool jumping in and swimming around. I think the lake was overwhelming for him since he didn't have a side to hang on to. The last night we were there we went out for dinner. We had a great time relaxing and watching all the big boats come in for dinner too. It was so enjoyable just going for rides and enjoying the bueaty that God has made. Here are a few pictures of our week. Now we need to get ready for our next vacation to Colorado...I am sure you are thinking that we have a pretty rough life :)