Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fun With Our Friends!

Connor and Annekke are discussing what to play with next!

Having Fun!

Mitchell and Valarie raking snow!

Valarie and Annekke

Our pastor and his wife went to San Diego for a church conference this week and so I volunteered to watch their children. This was the first time they left their kids, so it was hard for Carrie to leave them. But the kids are doing great and are playing very nicely together. Yesterday we went to our mom's for the day, so that was fun for Valarie and Annekke. Today we went outside to play in the warm weather and snow. We even got some swinging in! We had a great time scooping the snow and playing in the mud. Needless to say, they were quite muddy when they came in! All their clothes went straight into the washing machine! I was just glad to get them outside for some fresh air! I am suppose to watch them till Thursday morning (I got them on Sunday night) so I am sure the time will go fast. It's always great to have playmates the same ages! Enjoy the Beautiful Day!