Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lake Rathbun

Mitchell was the only one daring enough to get into that COLD water!

Mitchell and Connor pretending to take a nap with Aunt Nancy!

Mitchell wanting to take us for a drive!
"Brrr, that's water is FREEZING!"

We had a great Labor Day weekend as a family. On Saturday night, Elden and I got the chance to go to the Truck races at the Iowa Speedway and we had a great time there! There was a lot more people there than I expected there to be. After a few crashes in the beginning, the drivers figured out how the track was laid out and didn't have anymore crashes. On Sunday we went to the river with our dog and wadded in the water on that hot afternoon. The water was a little chilly, but everyone got use to it and had fun! Then on Monday we headed to Lake Rathbun. We have been wanting to go there all summer, and it finally worked out to go. We invited Elden's family to go with us for one last Ha rah for the summer! It was a little cold in the morning (OK, we were freezing) but finally the warm sun came out and it ended up being a great afternoon. Here are a few pictures of our trip to the lake. I hope everyone else had an enjoyable weekend as well!