Monday, March 1, 2010

Snow Fort!

Our finished snow fort!

Mitchell and daddy relaxing after all their hard work!

Mitchell going through the tunnel!

Daddy making the tunnel!

Mitchell sitting on his "chair" that daddy made for him.

Elden making another wall on the snow fort!

It was such a nice day yesterday, Elden and Mitchell decided to go and build a snow fort together in the yard in the afternoon. Mitchell has wanted one for a while now especially since he got to see his friend Logan's fort that he had in his yard. So Elden got the tractor out and made some walls and then made a tunnel, a door and even some chairs to sit on inside the fort. Mitchell was so excited and said that it was the best snow fort ever! Since the weather is suppose to be rather nice for once, I'm sure Mitchell and Connor will spend a lot of time in the fort this week! Thank you Daddy for making such an awesome snow fort!